Puppy training classes Friday 5.30pm Book your place                          early. Limited to just 8 puppies. 

          Reactive program, has now been cancled untill                                                   NEW YEAR

              We are a non-profit Organization

  OUR NEXT 6 WEEKS COURSE BEGINS           Book your home visit lets get you and                        your dog on the right path.   

Classes are held Friday 5-30 pm untill 6-30 and 6-30 to 7-30. Advance Classes 7.30

                                                                            Adult Classes have been surspended 

    Limited to 6 places (Please Book Early) places do go very quickly, the earler             you book the more time you will have to condition your pet, conditioning takes                  place in your home, probably the most inportant excercise for you both                                                                      

     At just £120 for our 6 Week Course and home visit  

                       Call Us On:- 07490 719752   

  Classes are held at St Johns Community Hall  St Johns Street Rastrick                         Brighouse HD6 1HN.  For more information, Contact Head of Training                                                                Graham On 07490 719752                                                                                    Email:- thehappydogtrainingacademy@gmail.com

    We use up to date, Professional, Modern Learning.                 Improve your learning, see the Transformation.